Pregnancy and parenting community
Welcome to Babiesbase, where you can learn and share with other members just like yourself! The Babiesbase vision is shared by members who have the same thoughts and concerns as you when it comes to their babies, no matter the age. We have parents of teens, toddlers and newborns along with new members who are either trying to conceive or are patiently waiting for their first bundle of joy.
You could be a newly expected mother or father, aunt or uncle, grandmother or grandfather - we all love babies and always want the best for them. Being able to surround yourself with up-to-date information about every aspect of a child's life is simple to do within our community. If it takes a village to raise a child, just imagine what can happen when you join our forum.
Belonging to a community that understands where you are coming from and is always ready to lend a virtual helping hand is what many parents are reaching out for, especially those new parents whom have many questions. Are you looking for someone to talk to about trying to conceive? How about the dreaded morning sickness when you are pregnant or which is more suitable for you when it comes to nursing? The decision to breastfeed or use formula is a hot topic that our members are always chatting about.
As a new parent, you may become overwhelmed with questions that seem simple but once you find the answer to one, three more pop up. You cannot always call your parents for advice, nor do you always want to rely on your family to help you through every step of this journey. You may have read every book friends and family recommend but sometimes you still need outside advice or even just an outlet to vent. Other times you may just want a second opinion that, of course, cannot be biased.
If you are a veteran when it comes to parenting, you are able to share your successes and failures to help others along this joyous time in their lives. Many of the shortcuts you learn during your own experiences can help others and when a new parent looks for advice, they are more likely to listen to someone who has experience. Why not join to share with other like-minded and friendly people?
Topics within our forum can range from fertility questions to what happens when your toddler finally comes to ask how babies are born. Our members discuss nutrition with some of the best ways to have your children eating (and loving) their vegetables at any age. What about education? The best practices when it comes to home schooling is a topic for many. Let's not forget one of the biggest debates - the best way to discipline your little one.
Do you prefer to vaccinate or not, what could the dangers be and how well-informed are you? When it comes to having children, the topics are endless and so are our discussions. Whether you are planning a hospital birth with a doctor and nursing staff or a midwife for a homebirth, you will always have questions and sometimes learning through another's experience is a great way to look at an idea with a fresh perspective.
Babiesbase is a full website dedicated to bringing you the most relevant and up-to-date information about all topics that relate to your baby's wellbeing. We do not cater only to the mommies out here but also to the daddies who may have first-time parent jitters or just want to share their own experiences with others who share similar interests, worries and questions.
Do not forget to check out our articles area as we continually update all topics in order to help parents out. Our articles range from pregnancy related concerns to finding new and exciting ways to feed that picky toddler. We also have tips for early pregnancy symptoms, bumping up your milk supply if you are planning to nurse, and how to properly check (along with treat) diaper rash. Those in their first pregnancy will enjoy the article series that covers each week of the pregnancy, showing you exactly what to expect during every stage of the pregnancy.
Are you wondering what the best practices on the market are for IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), or have questions about keeping your new family healthy? Even simple methods to get through the first few months with a newborn in the house during the adjustment phase can be asked. Our loyal members within the community are people who are willing to help share the tricks they have learned while dealing with hectic sleep schedules, late night feedings and "back to work" transitions.
Our forum has a vast user group of members from all over the world who share their tips and tricks when it comes to educating other parents about products targeted for children, pregnancy related issues and all other hurdles we deal with when child rearing. From natural birth to adoption and all steps in-between, Babiesbase has the answers you need.
The members within our community keep up-to-date on current news in the baby world, from new medicines for treating simple colds to product recalls which all parents worry about. We are a community for all new parents that are starting out and those who might need a refresher course when it comes to having a newborn in the house again.
If you have infants, toddlers, pre-teens or teens, Babiesbase is the right place for you to connect, share and learn with other parents around the world. The topics we discuss are those that affect almost all parents, no matter how many children you have. If you are just starting out with your first bun in the oven or adding to your already bountiful family, if you have first time pregnancy worries or have recommendations for others, you have found the best nook on the web. If you have questions about health concerns or finances, or just want to chat with other like-minded friends, come sit a spell with us and share in the wonderful experience of being a proud parent.
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